Questions to consider:
Does God have something for you to do?
Why would God include these passages?
Are you important?
Is God at work?
Questions to consider:
What was Christ's message?
Are most people happy?
How can I be happy?
Does Jesus make us happy?
Questions to consider:
Is what was true of Paul, true for you?
Has the Lord appeared to you and appointed you as a servant and witness?
How do we know Paul's encounter with Jesus Christ was real?
Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ?
Questions to consider:
Is what was true of Paul, true for you?
Has the Lord appeared to you and appointed you as a servant and witness?
How do we know Paul's encounter with Jesus Christ was real?
Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ?
Questions to consider:
How would you expect Festus and Agrippa to have responded to Paul?
How did Paul preach a gospel he would not choose?
Is the gospel fabricated?
Does it matter what you believe?
What must happen for you to believe?
Questions to consider:
What does it look like to really trust God?
Is God more than life to you?
Is life going to be easy?
What is the purpose of God's will in our lives?
Questions to consider:
Do you think most Christians are growing spiritually?
What are some spiritual threats in your life?
Are you running to win?
Are you dependent on others or the church body?
Questions to consider:
Do we live in a different world?
Should we expect persecution?
What is "the world?'
If I’m not being persecuted, is it because I am not living a godly life?
Do I live more like I belong to the world, or do live more like I belong to Christ?
Questions to consider:
When a person becomes a Christian, would you expect life to change for better or worse?
Is there any "downside” to becoming a Christian?
If the Holy Spirit warned you about the same things Paul was warned of, how would you respond?
What’s the most important thing in life to you?
Is there anything more important to you than life?
Do you have a race to finish and a task to complete?
What is the task the Lord Jesus has given to you?
Is it your task, like Paul’s, to testify to the good news of God’s grace?
Questions to consider:
Why did Jesus die for us? Does it matter to you?
Do you want to live for Him?
Are you expounding an unlived life?
Is your life a credit or an obstacle?
Are you living an exemplary life?
What does a disciple look like?
Questions to consider:
How do you make disciples?
Are you living your life aware of the impact it may have?
Is our character separate from our actions?
Questions to consider:
What is the basis for making disciples?
What is God's goal?
Is making disciples for you?
Can you make disciples? If so, how?
Questions to consider:
Do you believe in miracles?
Why doesn’t God do obvious, indisputable miracles so that everyone would believe in him?
Are you willing to let God be God?
Questions to consider:
Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?
What does it mean to receive the Holy Spirit?
Questions to consider:
What is the motive for Paul and others to suffer to spread the gospel?
Why are we so apprehensive to share the gospel?
What is your place in this world?
Acts 17
Questions to consider:
What does it look like to love God and love my neighbor as myself?
Do we have an obligation to God?
What is sin? And what does it say about our relationship to God?
Questions to consider:
Why didn’t Paul cast out the demon the first time? Was he trying to avoid trouble? (See 1 Corinthians 9:19-23; 1 Timothy 2:1-2)
Why didn't God protect Paul and Silas from going to prison?
Why didn’t Paul think the earthquake was God’s way of deliverance?
If God is so great, why should he care about us?
Questions to consider:
Why did Paul and his companions sacrifice their lives to spread the gospel and strengthen believers?
There were a number of women gathered at this place of prayer, all of whom would have heard Paul’s message, why was Lydia the only one to respond to the message?
Why didn't the Lord open the heart of everyone who heard Paul's message?
Questions to consider:
Is God aware of what's going on in the world? In your life?
Does God care about what's going on in the world? In your life?
Does God have a specific will for your life?
Do you want to know God's will?
How does God make his will known?
What does a life of faith look like?
Questions to consider:
Did Jesus really expect his followers to make disciples? How were they supposed to do this?
What does it mean to be "saved?"
What is God's purpose?
What is the quality of your relationship with God?
What quality of relationship do you long for others to have with God?
Questions to consider:
Am I seeking truth in the person of Jesus Christ?
Am I seeking to please God by submitting to my circumstances that he is using to conform me to the image of Christ?
Am I considering any clear evidence of God’s working that would help me to understand his will?
Am I willing to submit experience and seeming evidence of God’s working to the authority of Scripture? How well do I know the Scriptures?
Do I give proper weight to tradition when determining God’s will?
Do I consider what is practical when seeking the truth? Or, do I think the more impractical, the more likely it is of God?
Questions to consider:
Do I seek direction from God, disconnected from the “reality” that is found in Christ?
Am I submitting to the guidance of those more mature than myself in knowing God and
his will?
Does it have to be spectacular to be direction from God?
Do I have experiences to draw on from a track record of obedience?
Am I willing to consider the experiences of others as important as my own?
Am I willing to accept my experience as personal and not necessarily normative for all?
Questions to consider:
Do you trust the Spirit to guide you into all truth?
Why is there so much disagreement today?
Between denominations
Within church communities
Regrading the many interpretations of the Bible
Questions to consider:
What is the purpose, the goal, the objective of Christianity?
Why be a Christian?
What did Jesus' crucifixion accomplish?
What does it mean to get saved?
What does it mean to believe?
What is the good news?
Questions to consider:
How did Barnabas and Paul “strengthen” believers?
What is the primary mission of the church?
What is your response to the gospel?
What is your involvement in God’s plan to spread the Good News?
Are you doing the work of God?
Are you continuing in the faith?
Questions to consider:
What is the message of Paul's first missionary Journey?
What was his motivation?
How can we mirror Paul's love for God in the way we are motivated?
Questions to consider:
How would you expect Peter to react to his situation?
Why were these details and processes included in Peter's rescue? Why not a spectacular rescue for God’s glory?
In this chapter, what does God reveal to us about himself?
Questions to consider:
What is Christianity?
What is the church?
What’s your experience with the church?
How do you act within the church?
What aspects of Christianity does Barnabas exemplify?
Questions to consider:
Is Faith in Christ necessary?
Why is peace with God “Good News”?
What does peace with God look like?
Questions to consider:
Do miracles happen today?
Is it always God’s will to heal miraculously?
What if God healed every Christian?